Upcoming Events

Age Group
Age Group
Program Type
Library Branch
Ongoing Events

Primary tabs

This event is in the "Birth to 5" group.
This event is in the "Children" group.

Little Listeners Storytime at the Monroe Community Library

10:30am - 11:15am
Birth to 5, Children
Monroe Large Meeting Room
Library Branch: Monroe Branch
Room: Monroe Large Meeting Room
Age Group: Birth to 5, Children
Program Type: Storytimes
Event Details:

This event takes place at the Monroe Community Library, 380 N. 5th St., in Monroe, OR.

Children of all ages are welcome to drop by with their parent or caregiver for stories and songs.

Storytime is offered year-round as a drop-in program. Children must be accompanied by a grown-up. Many lasting friendships start at storytime! Join us!


Photography Consent

Click here to view the Photography Consent Policy.

This event is in the "Teens" group.

Teen Sketch Club

4:00pm - 5:00pm
Main Meeting Room
Library Branch: Corvallis Branch
Room: Main Meeting Room
Age Group: Teens
Program Type: Arts & Crafts
Event Details:

Calling all teen artists! If you like to draw, paint, doodle, or collage, bring your favorite pencil and your creativity to Sketch Club!


Photography Consent

Click here to view the Photography Consent Policy.

This event is in the "Birth to 5" group.
This event is in the "Children" group.

Philomath Storytime

10:30am - 11:00am
Birth to 5, Children
Philomath Meeting Room
Library Branch: Philomath Branch
Room: Philomath Meeting Room
Age Group: Birth to 5, Children
Program Type: Storytimes
Event Details:

Children of all ages and their families are invited to join us for an interactive storytime full of books, songs, and music.

This event is in the "Birth to 5" group.
This event is in the "Children" group.


11:00am - 12:00pm
Birth to 5, Children
Philomath Meeting Room
Library Branch: Philomath Branch
Room: Philomath Meeting Room
Age Group: Birth to 5, Children
Program Type: Arts & Crafts, Educational
Event Details:

Squishtivities by Strengthening Rural Families welcomes children and their families.

This event is in the "Adults" group.

Random Review: Fire Weather

12:00pm - 1:00pm
Main Meeting Room
Library Branch: Corvallis Branch
Room: Main Meeting Room
Age Group: Adults
Program Type: Educational, Literary
Event Details:

Check out the entire 2024-2025 season here: https://cbcpubliclibrary.net/random-review/

This event is in the "Birth to 5" group.

Monroe Baby Storytime

10:30am - 11:15am
Birth to 5
Monroe Children's Area
Library Branch: Monroe Branch
Room: Monroe Children's Area
Age Group: Birth to 5
Program Type: Storytimes

Join us to read, sing, rhyme and move, followed by free play! Thursdays at 10:30 AM, for ages 0-24 months and their caregivers.

Storytime is offered year-round as a drop-in program. Children must be accompanied by a grown-up. Many lasting friendships start at storytime! Join us!


Photography Consent

Click here to view the Photography Consent Policy.

This event is in the "Teens" group.

Teen Anime Club

3:30pm - 5:00pm
Philomath Meeting Room
Library Branch: Philomath Branch
Room: Philomath Meeting Room
Age Group: Teens
Program Type: Arts & Crafts, Book Clubs, Educational, Entertainment
Event Details:

Whether you read manga or watch anime-only, join us in Philomath for all things anime!

This event is in the "Birth to 5" group.
This event is in the "Children" group.

Family Music Fun

10:30am - 11:15am
Birth to 5, Children
Main Meeting Room
Library Branch: Corvallis Branch
Room: Main Meeting Room
Age Group: Birth to 5, Children
Program Type: Educational
Event Details:

Come sing, clap, move your body to music with Marisa in this interactive music program designed for families with children between the ages of 2 to 10.

This event is in the "Birth to 5" group.
This event is in the "Children" group.

Little Listeners Storytime at the Monroe Community Library

10:30am - 11:15am
Birth to 5, Children
Monroe Large Meeting Room
Library Branch: Monroe Branch
Room: Monroe Large Meeting Room
Age Group: Birth to 5, Children
Program Type: Storytimes
Event Details:

This event takes place at the Monroe Community Library, 380 N. 5th St., in Monroe, OR.

Children of all ages are welcome to drop by with their parent or caregiver for stories and songs.

Storytime is offered year-round as a drop-in program. Children must be accompanied by a grown-up. Many lasting friendships start at storytime! Join us!


Photography Consent

Click here to view the Photography Consent Policy.

This event is in the "Adults" group.
This event is in the "Seniors" group.

Craft Night for Adults

5:30pm - 7:00pm
Adults, Seniors
Main Meeting Room
Library Branch: Corvallis Branch
Room: Main Meeting Room
Age Group: Adults, Seniors
Program Type: Arts & Crafts
Event Details:

Join us every third Tuesday of the month to try a new craft! Supplies provided. Or, bring your own project and hang out with us. For ages 16+.

Co-sponsored by The Arts Center and the Friends of the Library

This event is in the "Birth to 5" group.

Infant Storytime

10:30am - 11:00am
Birth to 5
Main Meeting Room
Library Branch: Corvallis Branch
Room: Main Meeting Room
Age Group: Birth to 5
Program Type: Storytimes
Event Details:

Infant storytime occurs every Wednesday from 10:30 - 11:00 AM in June, July and August and is for children 0-1 year old.


Photography Consent

Click here to view the Photography Consent Policy.

This event is in the "Birth to 5" group.
This event is in the "Children" group.

Philomath Storytime

10:30am - 11:00am
Birth to 5, Children
Philomath Meeting Room
Library Branch: Philomath Branch
Room: Philomath Meeting Room
Age Group: Birth to 5, Children
Program Type: Storytimes
Event Details:

Children of all ages and their families are invited to join us for an interactive storytime full of books, songs, and music.

This event is in the "Adults" group.

Wednesday Noon Book Club

12:00pm - 1:00pm
Philomath Meeting Room
Library Branch: Philomath Branch
Room: Philomath Meeting Room
Age Group: Adults
Program Type: Book Clubs
Event Details:

The Philomath Noon Book Club meets on the third Wednesday of the month at the Philomath Community Library. Copies of book club books are available each month at the library; please ask at the front desk.

This event is in the "Adults" group.
This event is in the "Seniors" group.

Fiber by the Fireplace

2:00pm - 4:30pm
Adults, Seniors
Monroe Lobby
Library Branch: Monroe Branch
Room: Monroe Lobby
Age Group: Adults, Seniors
Program Type: Arts & Crafts
Event Details:

Fiber enthusiasts can sit by the fireplace and spin, knit, crochet or work on their own project.

Good conversation, coffee and snacks provided

This event is in the "Adults" group.
This event is in the "Seniors" group.

Corvallis Library Book Club

6:00pm - 7:00pm
Adults, Seniors
2nd Floor Board Room
Library Branch: Corvallis Branch
Room: 2nd Floor Board Room
Age Group: Adults, Seniors
Program Type: Book Clubs
Event Details:

The Corvallis-Benton County Public Library Book Club is open to everyone! We meet to discuss fiction and nonfiction every third Wednesday of the month, except for December.

Library Closed

All Day
Corvallis Branch, Alsea Branch, Monroe Branch, Philomath Branch, Bookmobile, Outreach

All Library Branches Closed for Juneteenth.

This event is in the "Adults" group.
This event is in the "Seniors" group.

Government Comment Corner

10:00am - 12:00pm
Adults, Seniors
Belluschi Wing
Library Branch: Corvallis Branch
Room: Belluschi Wing
Age Group: Adults, Seniors
Program Type: Educational
Event Details:

Everyone is welcome stop by to say hello and ask your questions about local government. 

This event is in the "Everyone" group.
This event is in the "Birth to 5" group.
This event is in the "Children" group.
This event is in the "Tweens" group.
This event is in the "Teens" group.
This event is in the "Adults" group.
This event is in the "Seniors" group.

LEGO Block Blast! at the Monroe Community Library

12:00pm - 2:00pm
Everyone, Birth to 5, Children, Tweens, Teens, Adults, Seniors
Monroe Lobby
Library Branch: Monroe Branch
Room: Monroe Lobby
Age Group: Everyone, Birth to 5, Children, Tweens, Teens, Adults, Seniors
Program Type: Arts & Crafts, Educational, Entertainment

Bring your friends to the library and hang out playing LEGOs, listening to music, and having snacks!

This event is in the "Adults" group.
This event is in the "Seniors" group.

Monroe Partner Talks

1:00pm - 3:00pm
Adults, Seniors
Monroe Large Meeting Room
Library Branch: Monroe Branch
Room: Monroe Large Meeting Room
Age Group: Adults, Seniors
Program Type: Educational
Event Details:

Monroe Community Library and the Rotary Club of Monroe in District 5110 invite you to explore Monroe and surrounding communities, learn more about local non-profit organizations, and discover opportunities for volunteerism, leadership, and learnin

This event is in the "Birth to 5" group.
This event is in the "Children" group.

Little Listeners Storytime at the Monroe Community Library

10:30am - 11:15am
Birth to 5, Children
Monroe Large Meeting Room
Library Branch: Monroe Branch
Room: Monroe Large Meeting Room
Age Group: Birth to 5, Children
Program Type: Storytimes
Event Details:

This event takes place at the Monroe Community Library, 380 N. 5th St., in Monroe, OR.

Children of all ages are welcome to drop by with their parent or caregiver for stories and songs.

Storytime is offered year-round as a drop-in program. Children must be accompanied by a grown-up. Many lasting friendships start at storytime! Join us!


Photography Consent

Click here to view the Photography Consent Policy.

This event is in the "Children" group.


3:15pm - 4:15pm
Monroe Children's Area
Library Branch: Monroe Branch
Room: Monroe Children's Area
Age Group: Children
Program Type: Literary
Event Details:

Beginning readers are invited to practice reading in any language to a trained therapy Reading Education Assistance Dogs (READ Dogs) on the fourth Tuesday of the month.


Photography Consent

Click here to view the Photography Consent Policy.

This event is in the "Everyone" group.
This event is in the "Birth to 5" group.
This event is in the "Children" group.
This event is in the "Tweens" group.
This event is in the "Teens" group.
This event is in the "Adults" group.
This event is in the "Seniors" group.

Family Craft Night

5:00pm - 6:30pm
Everyone, Birth to 5, Children, Tweens, Teens, Adults, Seniors
Main Meeting Room
Library Branch: Corvallis Branch
Room: Main Meeting Room
Age Group: Everyone, Birth to 5, Children, Tweens, Teens, Adults, Seniors
Program Type: Arts & Crafts
Event Details:

Make some crafts with the Library and The Arts Center. All ages welcome! Supplies provided.

This event is in the "Birth to 5" group.

Infant Storytime

10:30am - 11:00am
Birth to 5
Main Meeting Room
Library Branch: Corvallis Branch
Room: Main Meeting Room
Age Group: Birth to 5
Program Type: Storytimes
Event Details:

Infant storytime occurs every Wednesday from 10:30 - 11:00 AM in June, July and August and is for children 0-1 year old.


Photography Consent

Click here to view the Photography Consent Policy.

This event is in the "Birth to 5" group.
This event is in the "Children" group.

Philomath Storytime

10:30am - 11:00am
Birth to 5, Children
Philomath Meeting Room
Library Branch: Philomath Branch
Room: Philomath Meeting Room
Age Group: Birth to 5, Children
Program Type: Storytimes
Event Details:

Children of all ages and their families are invited to join us for an interactive storytime full of books, songs, and music.